Fauji Meat Limited Official Inauguration
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Monday, January 30, 2017
The New World Class Halal Abattoir and Meat Processing Plant was
officially inaugurated by Khalid Nawaz, Managing Director of Fauji Foundation
on Monday 16th January.

The official inauguration ceremony marks the conclusion of Beer &
Associates role as consultants on the FML project since the initial design
started in 2013.
The main objective
to be met by the FML project, was to establish a European standard meat
processing plant that could convert the best available livestock into high
value meat products (and by-products) with sufficient shelf-life to allow them
to be distributed to the chosen market place in optimum condition and thereby achieve
maximum sales value.
The completed plant has daily production capacity of 100 tons of frozen
meat for export purposes. The plant started commercial production in April
2016 and is currently serving the GCC region and China and is in the process of
obtaining formal approval for export of meat to Russia, MENA region and Central
Now that
the facility is complete, FML is in an enviable position to capitalise on the
steadily growing world demand for quality Halal meat products.
Beer &
Associates would like to sincerely thank FML for this great opportunity to be
involved in such an exciting project and extend our best wishes and good
fortune in the future.