Official Openings of School Extension Projects
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Beer & Associates would like to wish Our Lady of Lourdes NS, Bunclody, Co. Wexford and Scoil Aodan Naofa, Carnew, Co. Wicklow all the best following the official openings of their respective school extensions.
The large extension to Our Lady of Lourdes NS consists of 6 Classrooms, Resource Rooms, Staff Room and Toilets. The official opening took place on Friday 21st June and was attended by a large crowd of past and present pupils, staff and members of the local community.

The official opening of the extension to Scoil Aodan Naofa took place on Friday 14th June. The extension includes one Mainstream Classroom and New Entrance Foyer along with the provision of a new Bus Set Down area and associated Car Parking. Young and old from the local community came out in numbers to attend the celebration.